1 Malaysia...I'm back!!!!
Yosh mina!! I'm back..its been months right...a lot has happen..and I mean A LOT!! most are bad ones..I'm picking up where I left off..More updates will come..
Call Embassy at 012 964 8335
--------------------------------------------------L900 Move Hello Kitty
Seat Full Set Hello Kitty
Meter Hello Kitty
Door Trim with Cup Holder
--------------------------------------------------**SPOILER Universal = SOLD!!! **SPOILER TRD V3 =SOLD!!!
Wira body parts :
Side skirts
and other car parts.
Yosh mina!! I'm back..its been months right...a lot has happen..and I mean A LOT!! most are bad ones..I'm picking up where I left off..More updates will come..
"Bagaimanapun, jika permainan video terbukti memaparkan aspek positif, kita rasa ia lebih kepada aspek kesukanan dan bersedia melihat serta mengkategorikannya dengan lebih cepat, sama ada sebagai satu bentuk riadah atau boleh dikategorikan sebagai acara sukan," katanya.
and i quote
" Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media selepas menghadiri Karnival Go Youth anjuran Pertubuhan Pembangunan Belia Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur (Youth) di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil, di sini semalam.
Karnival bertemakan 1Belia 1Malaysia itu diisi pelbagai aktiviti seperti perhimpunan kereta terbesar disertai 7,000 peserta bersama 2,500 kereta dari 52 kelab seluruh negara, bazar myusahawan, konsert mini, pertunjukan tarian shuffle, grafiti, paintball, cabutan bertuah dan permainan tradisional. "
This carnival was held on the 25th July 2009, from 7.00 a.m and onwards.
Read more...This event can be considered the opening of the Egg Fest, where our first celebrated person Mr Ijat Kenit was egged so bad that he looked just like one of the zombie from a horror movie.
Read more...This Saturday 25th of July 2009, will be the biggest egg event in the history of man kind. This egg celebration will be recorded in the Malaysian Egg Book of Record. It is a celebration like non other, where two most lucky person in Malaysia, probably in the world, will have the chance to taste all sort of eggs, from all sorts of culture and region. Congratulations to Arepeace and Ijat of PROSBOC!!!
You might have seen numbers like RON97 and RON92 at your neighbourhood petrol station. Fuel with a RON97 rating is more expensive, RM1.92 per liter at time of writing with the lower RON92 rating going for RM1.88. Have you ever wondered what they mean? Why is RON97 more expensive than RON92, and can you use RON92 to save on fuel costs?
RON stands for Research Octane Number, a rating used to measure a fuels knocking resistance in spark-ignition internal combustion engines. Before we attempt to understand this mumbo jumbo, we have to know what knocking is. Knocking is what happens when parts or all of the air-fuel mixture prematurely ignites before the flame from the spark plug can reach it. This can be caused by ignition timing that is too early or engine overheating, where the heat from the cylinder itself causes the mixture to combust before the spark plug can burn the mixture. This causes a decrease in performance and might also harm the engine.
It is a misunderstanding to think that RON97 fuels produce more power than RON92 fuels, even more so with the fact that in reality a higher RON number means the fuel burns less easily! RON refers to the ability of the fuel to resist knocking and nothing else.
By pumping the RON97 into a car which engine only requires the RON92, all youre going to get is an emptier wallet – hardly counts for performance gains via weight reduction!
Engines are designed to have a minimum RON rating for its fuel. Do check your service manual for the minimum RON rating that it requires. For engines that require a minimum of RON92, you might as well pump RON92 fuel and save abit of money since RON92 is cheaper by 4 cents per liter. Another common minimum RON rating is RON95, but since we do not have RON95 fuel in our market, we have to use RON97 fuel for the engine. These engines normally have higher compression ratios, like the one found in the Satria GTI so it needs higher knock resistance to withstand higher compression.
If you find that your engine can use RON92 petrol and decide to save abit of money, do check out if a petrol stations RON92 petrol is leaded or unleaded. All RON97 petrol is unleaded, but some RON92 petrol might be leaded although this is very very rare. Buy me a teh tarik with the money you save, thanks!
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